Are you interested in getting into PHP? A great way to build your PHP project is to use a framework, however choosing the right one can be quite difficult! As a beginner you might need to browse through hundreds of programs until you find the perfect one for you. That is why I decided to look for a comparison of the best PHP frameworks so I can help you with your search.

I found this incredibly interesting and useful infographic of  the best PHP Frameworks of 2017 (courtesy of WebHostFace) which will guide you through picking the right program.

best php frameworks 2017


Let me know what you think about this comparison. Do you agree that Laravel is the most popular one? Or that Phalcon is the fastest? Have you tried any of the above mentioned best PHP Frameworks? If you wish to try out any of these frameworks at a minimal cost, WebHostFace can offer you support and high-speed environment now with 90% off all shared hosting packages!