Why It Is So Important to Choose the Right Website Host from the Beginning

This might seem pretty minor to most people, but if you have ever had to move your website to another web host, then you will know how important picking the right website host is and how much of a pain a change of hosts might be.

I am currently in the process of moving yet another of my websites over to WebHostFace at the moment and needed to take a break for an hour, so I thought I would share my experience with you.

I had started this website on a web host that shall remain nameless to test their service. Needless to say, I wasn’t too impressed with them but wanted to keep my website up and running, so here I am in this predicament again.

If you have a static web page – one that is hard coded in html, it is a relatively simple task to move web hosts. However, if your website is like most website today, it contains databases, certain frameworks like WordPress or other Content Management Systems, not to mention all of the plugins, themes, customizations, e-mail accounts, ftp accounts and many other small tweaks that you setup over time.

You might not realize it as you are setting up your blog or website, but you do a lot of work over time, some of which you can forget and trying to replicate this on a new web server would be quite complex and time-consuming. You can fail to notice a missing feature or content on your site and remain unaware of it until it starts costing you visitors and potential clients.

Trying to move your website or blog to the right website host will almost always require you to either spend days researching, moving and then testing your website on your new website host, or you will give in to the frustration and hire a professional website developer to move your website over to your new web host. Both options can cost you hundreds of dollars and hours of frustration.

The reason most people end up having to do this is usually because of a simple misjudgment or lack of knowledge on the importance of your website host. That leads them to choose the cheapest web host that ends up being slow, unreliable or having horrible support. The worst part of this is that you are not at fault for this decision, when you are first starting out everything can seem pretty overwhelming and you don’t realize that there can be that much of a difference between a web host that is $4/month versus one that is $7/month…it’s only a cup of coffee, right?

I welcome you to do your own research, however, if you want to know who I use, then head on over to WebHostFace – my right website host – for great service, speed, and reliability. If you are moving from another host, which has failed you, WebHostFace will transfer your sites absolutely free of charge. Don’t forget to complain about your bad hosting experience by sending us an email through our contact form!

You can also take a look at my top 10 lists to give you an idea of some reputable website hosts that I would be willing to use.